ECAC is North Carolina’s Parent Center. It provides information and services for parents, students, educators etc. There are three parent education programs:
1. 1. NC Parent Training & Information Center (PTI)- information provided to best parents/families advocate
2. 2. NC PIRC, a Parent Information and Resource Center- provides information in Title 1 schools with emphasis on No Child Left Behind.
3. 3. NC Family to Family Health Information Center (HIC)- provides information and support to families with children who have health care needs (i.e. insurance)
This non-profit foundation addresses the health needs of children despite insurance restrictions. Here, families can find coverage for the gaps in their health benefits.
This foundation offers grants to children and families who need services, but may not be financially able to do so. They offer Self-Sufficiency, Back-to-Work, Independent Living and Non-Profit Grants.
UNCG presents Beyond Academics, a four year certification program, for children with developmental disabilities. The course of study educates these students to follow their career, becoming advocates, and living in the community independently.
This foundation targets inclusion and equal education for children with severe communication and physical disabilities. An assessment is administered to establish the child’s abilities and needs to perform adequately in the classroom.
This resource is called the Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Easter Seals UCP Virginia. It provides information on services addressing each individuals need.
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