Durham, North Carolina
PACC is a parent driven support group that has been developed in collaboration with the ARC of Durham County. PACC is committed to empowering families with children with communication impairments and disabilities. PACC holds monthly parent support meetings that address parents’ individual and collective concerns through open and confidential group discussion. Further, it will provide parents with educational and learning tools that will enhance their understanding of communication impairments and disabilities through guest speakers, videos, books, etc.
A Service of:
North Carolina Central University's
Department of Communication Disorders

Contact Info

Contact Info:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kick Off....

Welcome to our blog! We are glad you're here and that you have a desire to gain more knowledge about communication impairments and disabilities. If you're in search of support, you're at the right place. If you are just curious and want to further your knowledge base so that you will be more aware, you too are at the right place! Anyone and everyone is welcome to come here and comment, post questions, email questions (via the above address), offer insight, check out the resources, etc. The sky is the limit.

We hope you find this site informative and useful. If so, please share it with whomever you might think will benefit!!

For more information on the ARC of Durham County click here.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is great! Can't wait for more information to come!
